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Street Dreams Corvette Club 
P.O. Box 6758
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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        In 1997 Elements of Speed/Street Performance a custom detail and performance business was founded by John Davis.  To promote the business, John started a club with the same name EOS (Elements of Speed).  The club consisted of all types of performance cars and trucks which included John’s 1995 White custom Chevy S-10, his son’s 1995 Black Acura Integra and John’s C4 Polo Green Corvette.

    Primarily, John targeted the import scene. The S-10 and the Integra did very well with Generation X at car shows, at the time the import scene was mostly comprised of young people, and the Corvette was some what out of place amongst imports, low riders and the mini trucks. Having a Corvette and not getting the attention it deserve and enjoying it to its’ full potential was the dilemma.  So John switched gears and changed directions in 2000 and decided to form a Corvette club, focusing on more mature adults with the same appreciation for Corvettes. 

    And Street Dreams was born.  The name is a combination of the “Street” portion from his business name and the “Dream” portion from the American dream sports car (The Corvette) which formed the current name Street Dreams Corvette Club (SDCC).  John enlisted a few of his friends from the U.S. Navy, Ken and Darren, who also owned Corvettes.  The three would brainstorm for hours talking about cars and ideals for the club's direction.  Shortly there after, a guy by the name of Gregory who had a beautiful black Corvette apprehensively joined the group. The founding members are John Davis, Ken Byrd, Darren Thomas and Gregory (The General) Lee.

    Subsequently the club expanded to include Lucy Cantu, James Forman, Curtis Davidson and many others who played a big role with early development of the club. But one of the biggest contributors came from an unlikely source, Johnny Bonds, President of  Hampton Corvette Club. One day John and Johnny had a meeting. Johnny showed John the business side of running a club which provided good and viable information about club structure, recruitment, and persistence. Johnny's assistance, encouraging words, wisdom, inspiration and guidance were invaluable and Street Dreams developed into one of the best clubs in the south eastern region of Virginia.

    The first year was a little challenging for the club. There were lots of unknowns but the club quickly overcame the obstacles. Street Dreams was the new kids on the block, and others curiously wondered, who are these guys?  Street Dreams won shows, participated in parades, charity events and gave back to the community. From the beginning, Street Dreams has been a premier and elite/exclusive club.  Since then many members have come and gone, but through it all, John, Darren and The General have managed to endure the ups and downs of being a club and have maintained the club’s status.  

Street Dreams Corvette Club - Established; August 25, 2000:
Founder / President – John Davis     Co-Founder – Ken Byrd 
Co- Founder – Darren Thomas         First member –Gregory Lee

Membership Application
Membership Application